Shelley Bacote
Publicist, Tyndale House Publishers
Owner & CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer) Christian Writers Institute
Writer, Editor, Author Coach
Friday afternoon closing Keynote
Write to Publish Conference Director Literary Agent, The Steve Laube Agency
Assistant Conference Director, Author
Conference Connections Director, Author, and Speaker
Chaplain and Daily Devotions Speaker
Publicist, Tyndale House Publishers
Author, Speaker
Managing Editor of Lifeway’s HomeLife and Open Windows magazines
Children’s Author & Book Editor
Creative Director, Screenwriter, Content Editor, Writing Instructor
Continuing Class: Screenwriting
Physician, Researcher, Author, Speaker
Continuing Class: Non-Fiction Writing
Thursday Evening Keynote
Author, Agent with The Blythe Daniel Agency
Director of Marketing, The Author Conservatory
Agent, Wordserve Literary
Write to Publish Director Emeritus Owner of WordPro Communications Services
The Steve Laube Agency (President & Founder)
Christian Writers Institute (Owner Emeritus)
Author, Editor
Acquisitions Editor and Content Developer, David C. Cook Publishing
Acquisitions Editor, Women’s Community, Esther Press imprint David C. Cook
Author and Acquisitions Editor, Tyndale Kids
Executive Editor, Voices Collection by Our Daily Bread
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
Continuing Class: Marketing and Platform Building
Author, Speaker, Coach
Author, Speaker, Agent with Books & Such Literary Agency
Author, Speaker, Publisher, Redemption Press
Continuing Class: Independent Publishing Bootcamp
Author, Editor